Living With
Beyond Cancer
It’s no secret that having cancer is hard.
It can take a major toll on several aspects of your life, especially your emotional and mental well-being.
And it's NORMAL to experience intrusive thoughts related to your cancer keeping you from doing the things that bring you joy.
Are any of these true for you?
I feel panicked when I experience new aches or pains
I worry about what will happen to my family if my cancer returns or gets worse
I’m consumed by my “monkey mind” making it hard to focus on my daily activities
I feel “run over” by the constant suggestions and advice from the people in my life
I struggle with “scanxiety” and have tension leading up to scans + while waiting for results
Imagine yourself saying . . .
I feel more energized and less overwhelmed by my “monkey mind,” allowing me better concentration and focus
I feel calm and grounded, allowing me to deal with stressful situations better like waiting
for test results
I have clarity to make thoughtful choices, allowing me to prioritize what’s important in this
moment instead of living in worry
It is POSSIBLE to transform fear
and break free from negative thoughts

How can this be achieved?
YOU are capable of managing and overcoming
a multitude of fears, worries & stress related to cancer.
It is POSSIBLE to reframe your mindset
and learn powerful tools and skills, allowing you to feel
calmer, grounded, and less worried about the future.
“It helped me to put things in perspective with the rest of my life and see that the cancer doesn’t define me [and to be] just to be more in the moment.”
Cancer Calm clients report having better sleep, concentration, and a greater bandwidth to cope with daily stressors.
“It gave me the tools to help me overcome some of the anxiety and worry … to be mindful of those things I can practice every day."
Are you ready to feel
Empowered, Supported, & Confident?
Take the next steps to overcome fear, uncertainty, and stress
so you can feel more centered and hopeful about the future.
Reach out below or schedule your initial free call with
Cancer Calm Coach Anne Reb to connect about what is possible for you.